The brand new long-in-coming ARRL website is up! It is at www.arrl.org, naturally.
I had a tiny role in preparing some of the pages. Hopefully you will not see my fingerprints anywhere.
It has been a very ambitious project. Like war plans, we will see if the site survives contact with the enemy. (= users!)
It looks pretty good to me, and we can only expect it to improve.
Gad - that rotating picture up on the top - Youck - TRY to find LOTW from the main page - took me like 2-3 minutes
Lots of flash - usability - not so good
I thought it was easy to find LOTW. Click "on the air" then "Logbook of the World". It's going to be a problem while people get used to the new site and can't find things that they knew how to find on the old site.
The search box works, after a fashion. Hopefully it will improve.
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